
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Many of you are aware that I have three little lovebugs..... my dogs. I started with two of them two years ago, and most recently added Tucker, my toy fox terripoo. He is my baby boy! Squirt, my little princess, is a dorkie (dashund/yorkie), and Nitro is my morkie (maltese/yorkie).

Most everyone knows that a pet is certainly a great friend. For instance, after a difficult day, pet owners quite literally feel the love. Pets are ALWAYS excited to see you. Not a day goes by that my little ones don't run up and jump in my arms, giving me kisses and lots of warm fuzzies. They are great!

For nearly 25 years, research has shown that living with pets provides certain health benefits. Pets help lower blood pressure and lessen anxiety. They also boost our immunity.

The old thinking was that if your family had a pet, the children were more likely to become allergic to the pet. And if you came from an allergy-prone family, pets should be avoided.

However, a growing number of studies have suggested that kids growing up in a home with "furred animals" -- whether it's a pet cat or dog, or on a farm and exposed to large animals -- will have less risk of allergies and asthma.

Pets are also good for the mind and soul. In one study, stockbrokers with high blood pressure who adopted a cat or dog had lower blood pressure readings in stressful situations than did people without pets.

People in stress mode get into a state of "dis-ease," in which harmful chemicals like cortisol and norepinephrine can negatively affect the immune system. Studies show a link between these chemicals and plaque buildup in arteries, the red flag for heart disease.

Like any enjoyable activity, playing with a dog can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine -- nerve transmitters that are known to have pleasurable and calming properties.

Heart attack patients who have pets survive longer than those without, according to several studies. Male pet owners have less sign of heart disease -- lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels -- than non-owners, researchers say.

So, what does this all mean??? Well, that means that Dr. J is going to live a long life, a happy life, with lots of serontonin flowing freely in her blood stream, no artery clogging plaques, no loss of temper, and no illnesses. May the Lord bless all my friends, family, and my lovebugs who will all put up with me that long!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I am sure everyone has heard that President elect Obama is developing a Health Reform for 2009. The plan is to extend meaningful health insurance to more Americans and seek to reduce costs so that every American has access to primary care.

But, you may not be aware that with Obama's new plan, there will most likely incur a shortage of primary care physicians. The workforce crisis is due to a combination of inadequate payment to do the job correctly, and inadequate resources to organize practices to do it right.

The basic premise is that if we do plan to extend meaningful health insurance to more Americans and seek to reduce costs, we need to make sure Americans have access to a primary care doctor.

You may be asking yourself, "why the shortage?" Good question! In a nutshell, surveys indicate that physicians when asked if they would choose primary care again, 1 in 4 said NO! Wow, that is pretty scary. But let me ask you a question. In what other profession, other than physicians, could you send a bill for $100 and see a payment for $45? Let me put it another way.......can you imagine what would happen if your plumber handed you a bill for $60 and you replied, "I think I'll just pay $32." Seriously, this is how insurance companies pay physicians. And, now you wonder why docs cannot continue seeing fewer patients for less money and adding more paperwork requirements. No doc in their right mind would go into medicine again at a time like this.

I hate to be pessimestic........that is not my nature, but I am simply trying to raise awareness of the crisis at hand. This is a start to finding a solution!

I urge everyone to stay involved. Keep yourself updated on the politics of healthcare. This crisis affects EVERY American!

Friday, November 21, 2008

I am a member of Sermo. It is a physician run organization. The following letter was sent to me in hopes that all physicians receiving it, would place their signature on it. Please read the following letter to physicians urging them for their signature, as well as the letter that will be written to the Americans from physicians. This is some really good stuff. Let me know your thoughts. Please comment if you choose.

Sign the Open Letter from America's Physicians

The time has come for physicians to come together and lead a new wave of healthcare reform. The current healthcare system is strained and unsustainable. Our patients' well-being and the dignity of our profession are at stake. The physician community has found a powerful voice on Sermo and we can use this platform to speak with consensus and act in unity.

On Sermo, the physician community has been able to start formulating strategies to refocus our misdirected healthcare system for optimal patient care. The first product of this effort is the launch of an open letter to the American public, outlining the challenges we face in delivering appropriate care. This letter also gives us the opportunity to declare our full commitment to our patients. What began with the idea of drafting a single letter has now grown into a movement that is unifying and giving voice to thousands of physicians.

The "Open Letter from America's Physicians" is the culmination of months of polling, discussions, and draft revisions on Sermo, involving the active participation of over a thousand physicians. We must now drive our colleagues to sign the letter to show the strength and scope of our unity to policy makers and the public. Sermo has pledged support to distribute the signed letter broadly via the Internet, national newspapers, and downloadable materials that we can share with our patients. These strategies will give us national visibility and generate significant media attention for our efforts.

We have finally been given a real opportunity to speak and act as one. There is power in our unity. We can build on this experience and create a viable mechanism for establishing a new paradigm that acknowledges the value of physician autonomy and patient-centered health care delivery, free from the intrusion of special interests and political motives.


An Open Letter from America's Physicians

Dear Fellow Americans,

For decades the United States has led the world in healthcare. We have enjoyed the finest hospitals, medical schools, research, technology, and resources. Unfortunately, our healthcare system has lost focus to the point where patient well-being is placed after politics, profits, and special interests. Healthcare costs are on the rise and patients have lost their freedom of choice. These trends are hurting our economy and compromising the doctor-patient relationship. As a result, it has become difficult for physicians to deliver the best possible care.

Our heavily fragmented healthcare system has made it very difficult for you, the American public, to get the care you need. As your physicians, we want to partner with you to address the critical defects of the system as outlined below:

You are paying a lot for healthcare and not receiving enough in return. Your insurance premiums continue to increase while your healthcare options are dwindling. Gatekeepers, insurance networks, and restrictive regulations limit your choice of doctors and your access to care.
You have been made dependent on complicated and expensive health insurance plans. Employers are forced to take money out of your paycheck to purchase health coverage. If you lose your job, you are left with no safety net and the money you have paid for health coverage vanishes.
The time you spend with your physician has become remarkably brief due to regulatory hurdles requiring doctors to spend more time on documentation than with you.
We believe the following factors have made our current healthcare system unsustainable:

The insurance industry's undue authority and oppressive control over healthcare processes
Excessive and misguided government regulation
The practice of defensive medicine in response to a harmful and costly legal environment
We, the physicians of the United States, will no longer remain silent. We will not tolerate a healthcare system where those without medical expertise or genuine interest in our patients' health have absolute control. This letter is merely a summary of the most important problems in our current system. We believe that by partnering with the public we can start to demand real change and formulate practical solutions.

We invite you, our patients, friends, neighbors, and employers to unite with us at this important time in the history of healthcare in the United States. Together, we can guarantee our nation a healthier tomorrow.

Please talk to your doctor about this letter and visit for more information.


The Undersigned U.S. Physicians

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hi friends! It is time for another training tip from yours truly......a prescription for fitness from Dr. J! After reading an article on quad training, I decided to perform the exercises as described. I brought along a friend to see just how effective "slow negative" training affects the growth potential of the quads.

Let me explain, one efficient way to encourage growth of muscles, is to slow down the negative stroke on every rep of a set. On squats, for example, you take a full five to six seconds to lower, then fire up at normal semi-explosive speed.

My training partner and I both did slow negative reps all the way to the bottom........with a little pause at the bottom........then an explosion upward to finish the rep. By holding the weight at the sticking point for a pause produces even more tension time, muscle breakdown, and further growth.

Partial reps at the very bottom of a squat are still another high intensity technique to bring more muscle fibers into action. Of course, you have to decrease the amount of weight you normally would use on the squat, but this is necessary to perform the reps with good form.

This is not to say that you should not use fast reps in your regimen as well. You need these faster two-seconds-up-two-seconds-down rep speeds because it allows you to use more weight and achieve more overload.

Let's not forget.......the key to gaining size is not only intense workouts, but also enough rest to allow muscle growth to occur.

Until next time, train hard and eat smart!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

After chatting with a friend this morning about fitness and health, I contemplated the learning curve that many people still have to go through in order to understand the benefits of fitness and a lean body.

I have been involved in a fitness activity, in one form or another, for the past 32 years. I am so glad to have lived through a number of changes in the fitness arena as well as the way doctors perceive health.

I am sure you are aware that, for years, bodybuilders and weight lifters were simply muscle-bound dummies. And, it was not uncommon for a doctor to tell their patients to avoid weight training for fear that they would do irreprable damage to themselves.

Now, enter stage left.......computers, x-box, blue ray movies, reality TV, the agricultural revolution, fat free foods, and hush............OBESTIY! As a physician, it is literally impossible to diagnose someone obese or fat for fear of getting reprimanded by the medical board or sued by the patient. Folks, this is just insane behavior. Is it not the doctor who SHOULD be telling you that your health may be compromised due to your body habitus? Of course it should!

Now, enter stage right.......doctors advocating training routines for weight loss, for heart health, and for overall fitness.

Folks, take a good look at where you have come from, and to where you are going. Seriously, take a good hard look. Don't put the blame on anyone or anything for what you have become........fat, skinny, rich, poor, smart, or ignorant. It's all YOU! I encourage you to start putting your mind, body, and spirit in balance.

If you want a healthy mind, read. If you want a healthy spirit, find a connection with your higher being, and if you want to be fit, exercise and eat smart. Watch how each of these things will make you stronger, healthier, and younger.

And, a little piece of advice from your "muscle-bound dummie" doctor, stay off the scale and start looking at your body you have developed for the last 10 years. Got FAT? or Got MUSCLE?

Monday, November 10, 2008

If you think you don't have time to workout, I am going to say, "You do". It's the intensity of your workout that's key, especially if you don't have much time. A short-burst, high-intensity workout boosts your metabolism and tones muscles.

Below is a high intensity workout that can be done and will hit all major muscle groups in one session.

Beginner Squats: for Thighs
If you're new at this, get started with a beginner version of squats using an exercise ball. Stand against a wall with the ball at your low back, feet hip-width apart and out in front of your hips. Slowly lower your body by bending the knees, dropping glutes toward the floor; slowly move back to the starting position. Your knees should remain over your heels. Your thighs will make a 90 degree angle with your lower legs at the bottom of the position. Perform 10 repetitions.

Squats: for Thighs
Once you're ready, try squats without an exercise ball. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. Bend your knees and lower your rear as if you were sitting down, keeping your knees over your ankles. To target more muscle groups in less time, add an overhead press at the same time. With a dumbbell in each hand, rise from the squat position and push weights overhead. Really focus on good form. Perform 10 repetitions.

Forward Lunge: for Thighs
Standing with feet hip-width apart, take a big step forward with one leg, then lower your body toward the floor, front knee aligned with ankle, back knee pointing to the floor. Return to the starting position, and repeat by stepping forward with the other leg. For more challenge, hold a free weight in both hands and complete the lunge with a rotation in the torso, twisting the body toward the forward leg. Perform 10 repetitions on each side.

Romanian Deadlift: for Hamstrings
To perform a deadlift holding a barbell or dumbells,stand up straight with feet hip-width apart. Fold at your hips, moving the hips backward as you lower your upper body parallel to the floor. Keep the legs straight with a slight bend in the knees 9do not lock out the knees), and keep the back level and the spine in neutral. Lower the weight to just below your kneecaps, then slowly return to the starting position. Perform 10 repetitions.

Push-Ups: for Chest & Core
Push-ups strengthen the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles. Lying face-down, place hands a bit wider than your shoulders. Place toes or knees on the floor, creating a smooth line from shoulders to knees or feet. Keeping core muscles engaged, lower and lift your body by bending and straightening your elbows. To boost the workout intensity, put a stability ball either under the hips, knees, or feet. Placing the ball under the feet is the hardest. Perform 10 repetitions.

Chest Press: for the Chest
Lying face-up on a bench, with knees bent and feet on the bench or feet on the floor, spine relaxed, press a barbell or dumbells from your chest toward the ceiling. Extend your arms but don't lock the elbows, and move slowly in both directions, keeping shoulder blades on the bench. For an extra challenge, do the chest press with your head and upper back on an exercise ball. Perform 10 repetitions.

Bent-Over Dumbell Row: for Back & Biceps
The bent-over row works all the major muscles of the upper back, as well as the biceps. Begin the exercise in a bent-over position with your back flat, one knee and one hand on the same side of the body braced on a bench. Hold a free weight in the other hand with arm extended. Lift the weight toward the hip until the upper arm is just beyond horizontal, then slowly lower weight to the starting position. Perform 10 repetitions.

Shoulder Press: for Shoulders
A shoulder press works the shoulder muscles and can be performed standing or seated. For extra back support, use a bench with a back rest. Begin with elbows bent and dumbell weights at the shoulders. Slowly reach toward the ceiling, keeping the elbows under the hands. Do not shrug the shoulders when pressing; slowly lower back to the starting position. Perform 10 repetitions.

Cable Lat Pull Down: for Upper Back
Using a cable machine, sitting straight with a neutral spine, slowly pull the bar down past the face and toward the upper chest. Lean back only slightly as you pull the weight down. Control the weight on the way back up. Perform 10 repetitions.

Bicycle Crunch: for Core & Abdominals
Lying on your back on the floor, fold knees toward the chest and curl the upper body off the floor. With hands lightly placed behind the head, slowly rotate upper body to the right while drawing the right knee in and reaching the left leg out. Then rotate left and pull the left knee in and extend right leg out. Focus on bringing the shoulder toward the hip (rather than the elbow to the knee), and keep the opposite shoulder off the floor. Perform 10 repetitions.

Side Plank: for Core or Abdominals
For another abdominal alternative (one of my favorites!), lie on your side with a bent elbow directly under your shoulder, and use your torso muscles to lift the body up into a side plank. Then lift the hips higher, then back to the plank, then lower. Do as many as you can with proper form (actually, until I say relax!), then repeat on the other side.

It should not take you more than 30 min to do this routine. You can perform these exercises three times a week. I would also recommend changing things up after a month of this same routine.

Don't forget to do your cardio the other four days a week!

Train hard and eat smart!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Workout Not Working?

I reviwed this article and put it into an easy to read format. Try to implement some of these changes to make your workout safer and more productive. Ditch the following moves that may not deliver the results you want -- and may even cause injury.

#1: Lat Pull-down Behind the Head
The problem: Only people with very mobile shoulder joints can keep their spines straight enough to do this exercise properly. So the move -- done wrong -- can lead to shoulder impingement or worse, a tear in the rotator cuff. And if the bar hits the back of the neck, it could injure cervical vertebrae.

A Safer Lat Pull-down
On the pull-down machine, lean back a few degrees, use a wider-than-shoulder grip, and bring the bar down in front of your body to the breastbone, pulling shoulder blades down and together. Contract your abdominals to stabilize the body, and avoid using momentum to swing the bar up and down. The lat pull-down works the muscles of the upper back.

#2: Military Press Behind the Head
This shoulder move, in which you lift weights or a barbell up and down behind the head, can cause the same problems as the lat pull-down behind the head.

#3: Upright Row
The problem: Pulling weights, a barbell, or a weighted cabled bar up under your chin is a big no-no because it can compress the nerves in the shoulder area, impinging the shoulder.

#4: Using Bad Form on Cardio Machines
The problem: Hunching over or using a death-grip on the handrail cheats your body and can throw off your alignment, jarring your spine, shoulders, and elbows.

Better Technique on Cardio Machines
Don't set the incline or resistance so high that it causes you to hang on to the machine too tightly. Use a natural gait with a light grip. For a more challenging workout, hold on lightly with one hand and move the other arm, switching arms periodically. And save the reading for after your workout so you can focus on good form.

#5: Exercises Done with Goal of Spot Reduction
People who do strengthening and toning exercises in an effort to trim fat from a certain area -- thighs, hips, stomach, or arms -- have the wrong idea. Although these exercises can help firm muscles, if the targeted area still carries an extra layer of fat, it won't look much different. You can't isolate fat loss to one part of the body.

Effective Ways to Reshape Your Body
Cardiovascular exercise will torch calories, but resistance training is a big part of the equation if you want to burn fat. Boosting your muscle mass increases your metabolism, so you burn more calories all the time, even when you're not working out.

#6: Always Lifting with a Weight Belt
The problem: Too many people wear weight belts too often. Unless you have a back injury or other medical reason -- or you are lifting a lot of weight -- the weight belt may let your core muscles slack off -- and you need your core muscles all the time in everyday life.

The solution: Back off the weight belt unless it's necessary.

#7: Any Exercise Done Wearing the Wrong Shoes
Even if you're doing everything else right, your efforts can be undermined by improper footwear. Working out with the wrong shoes increases pounding on the joints, and can lead to injuries like plantar fasciitis or tendinitis.

Shoe Solution
The key, experts say, is to choose a shoe that is specific to your activity and that suits your particular foot. They recommend shopping at stores specializing in athletic shoes, where you can seek advice from a knowledgeable salesperson. And don't forget to replace your shoes when they show signs of wear.

If you're new to exercise, over 40, have a health problem, or take regular medication, check with your doctor before starting a fitness program.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

This weekend's sermon was just what the doctor ordered to reviatalize my upcoming week. I confess, I have skipped the past four weekends and I feel the softening of my spirit when this happens.

The basis for this weekend's teachings is that all human beings have an inborn desire for God. Whether we are consciously religious or not, this desire is our deepest longing and our most precious treasure. It gives us meaning. Some of us have repressed this desire, burying it beneath so many other interests that we are completely unaware of it. Or we may experience it in different ways — as a longing for wholeness, completion, or fulfillment.

Regardless of how we describe it, it is a longing for love. It is a hunger to love, to be loved, and to move closer to the Source of love. This yearning is the essence of the human spirit; it is the origin of our highest hopes and most noble dreams.

Modern theology describes this desire as God given. In an outpouring of love, God creates us and plants the seeds of this desire within us. Then, throughout our lives, God nourishes this desire, drawing us toward fulfillment of the two great commandments: "Thou shalt love thy God with all thy heart, and thy neighbor as thyself."

Bear with me a moment as a draw a picture of a line symbolizing God's love in the middle. On one end of the spectrum is Repression. Why do we repress? That is easy to explain....we frequently repress our desire for love because love makes us vulnerable to being hurt. Ouch! The word passion, which is used to express strong loving desire, comes from the Latin root passus, which means "suffered." All of us know that, along with bringing joy, love can make us suffer. Often we repress our desire for love to minimize this suffering. This happens after someone spurns our love. I know you are hearing me on this one........tell me you have not given everything to a freindship or intimate relationship only to be hurt in the end. Now, to protect ourselves the next time, we stifle our desire. This is a normal human response.

But how does this relate to God's love? Let me explain. Simply put, God does not always come to us in the pleasant ways we might expect, and so we repress our desire for God. We want to love God and love LIKE God, but when we get hurt, we repress a desire. We try to keep our focus on other things — safer things.

Before I get too far along, let's not forget the other end of the spectrum. The side furthest from repression and perhaps the opposite of repression, is Addiction.

Addiction, the other force that turns us away from love, is much more vicious than repression. While repression stifles desire, addiction attaches desire to certain specific behaviors, things, or people. These objects of attachment, whether it be alcohol, ideas, work, sex, drugs, fantasies, power, relationships, etc, then become preoccupations and obsessions........they come to rule our lives. The word attachment has long been used by spiritual traditions to describe this process. It comes from the old French word, atache, meaning "nailed to." Thus, attachment "nails" our desire to specific objects and creates addiction. In this light, we can see why addiction is the most powerful psychic enemy of humanity's desire for God. The Bible says, place no other Gods (idols) before me.

I am not being flippant when I say that all of us suffer from addiction. Nor am I reducing the meaning of addiction. We are all addicts in every sense of the word. I'm and addict, and you're an addict. Moreover, our addictions are our own worst enemies. We give ourselves over to things that, in our deepest honesty, we really do not want. There are times when each of us can easily identify with the words of the apostle Paul: "I do not understand my own behavior; I do not act as I mean to, but I do the things that I hate. Though the will to do what is good is in me, the power to do it is not; the good thing I want to do, I never do; the evil thing which I do not want--that is what I do. In writing these words, Paul was talking about sin.

Theologically, sin is what turns us away from love — away from love for ourselves, away from love for one another, and away from love for God.

Take a note to self........breaking through to what God has for each of us, calls for a deep love for God. This boils down to trust. Trust in the Lord, Teach me Your way O' Lord, Thou shall love thy God with all thy heart.

Have a great week blogger buds!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Helloooooooooo Blogercisers! I have big plans for all of you tomorrow night. I will be the guest lecturer at Absolute Performance Physical Therapy in Waukee. The lecture will begin at 6pm and will cover nutrition and exrecise. I will be unveling many secrets regarding fat burning and nutrition... namely the the fact that you cannot simply count your calories and train religiously to get the body you want. Oh, don't start whining! You heard me right..........simply counting calories and exercising will NOT get you the physique you dream about a day long!

Seriously, if that were all it took, we'd all be lean, mean machines. While modifying your calories certainly plays a major role, the key to successful fat loss lies in the strategies that actually alter your body's metabolism.

Let's take for example, Carbs. Yes, carbs help to maintain muscle, but they can also stimulate fat storage. So, the thing you need to do is modify your carb intake by rotating high carb days with low carb days. When you lower your carbs, you want to raise your protein. This will ramp up the fat mobilizing enzymes and hormones leading to increased fat loss. Do not, however, keep your carbs low for prolonged periods of time. This will only deplete your muscles of glycogen and leave you looking flat. Increase your carbs every fourth or fifth day.

I mentioned increasing your protein when your carbs are low and I refer to the fact that protein exerts a greater metabolic boosting effect than either carbs or fats. And, remember, protein feeds your muscles and we mustn't let them starve since muscle is your greatest fat fighting component in the body!

Come and hear some more fitness facts tomorrow night. For more information, please call Absolute Performance Therapy at 987-6267.

Your Ironladydoc

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I was J-walking this morning. No, not Jaywalking.........DR. J-walking! As many of you were running and walking in the Des Moines Marathon, I too, was walking the red carpet in the gym. Today, Ladies and Gentleman, I am going to discuss the importance of lunges in your lower body arsnal.

If you want really nice legs and glutes, you cannot escape the need to lunge and squat! Squats and lunges are extremely intense exercises using all of the muscles in the legs, butt, and thighs. The intensity of using all of those muscles in coordination cannot be replicated with muscle isolating leg machines. The sum is much, much more than the parts.

Squats and lunges have a hormonal response and a level of intensity that burns fat and builds lean muscle. I'm continually saddened by all of the nonsense out there. Stupid books, crappy gadgets, and mostly useless supplements are everywhere. Take a look at the options you have in your gym, and notice who is using what equipment:

• In my gym, all of the overweight people are on the ab machines doing thousands of pointless and ineffective crunches. Crunches are just too low intensity to make any real difference in how their body looks. They just don't know.
• Then look at all of the guys and girls who have the round butt and sleek sweep to their quads. At some point you always see them squatting or lunging. Or doing some squat or lunge variation, like step ups. Usually they are strong - they aren't squatting with the 3lb plastic dumbbells. They are squatting and lunging with fairly heavy weight. Lots of intensity. They are getting some work done, and it shows in their results.

Now, I understand that not everyone knows the proper form for squatting and lunging. And if you don't know the correct form, these exercises can get pretty sketchy. The last place to learn good squatting form is from the other people in the gym......many are doing it wrong. If you are unfamiliar with the proper form for squats and lunges, you should hire expert instruction.

Back to my J-walking. There are several variations of the lunge that you can do to avoid boredom........there's the front lunge, the back lunge, the side lunge, the walking lunge, and even the jump lunge.

Lunges are a great way to tone your butt and it can be done without even going to gym. If you have found you need more teardrop mass (the area just above the knee), give lunges a try. The front lower quads receive stretch and stimulation from this exercise in a very unique and effective way. Lunges also help target the glutes.

Lunges might look awkward, but they are quite effective. In fact, you don't even have to use weight, although, I suspect you will get good enough at these that you will be holding some pretty big weights in your hands as you J-walk the gym!

Feel the burn baby! Start J walking!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hi there Blogger buds! It is a bit on the chilly side today. I woke up at my usual 0430 knowing that my morning walk was going to be burr cold. According to my little friend, Naters, that is on the "burr" side of cold. I think that means "burr" chilly, and sometimes "burr" hot..........indicating that he neither wants it to be too cold, nor too hot. Are you catching my drift?

So, on my walks at the crack of dawn, my pups and I enjoy the natural surroundings of the habitat, because let me tell you, there is nothing up at that hour except finatical fitness enthusiasts and little critters that are scavenging for food. Hopefully, nothing has been eyeing my lil lovebugs because they are sooooooo cute (more to come about them tomorrow).

This is also a time when I try to figure out what I want to do for my workout. I try to visualize the exercises, the weights I am going to use, and just how great I am going to lift those weights! Are you catching my drift? If not, I am using the art of "visualization"! Ah, visualization! In simple terms this is "seeing" what you expect to happen. It can be both positive and negative depending on your outlook on life. I am hoping you all have positive visualization going on at all times!

Not only am I thinking about my workout, but I am also trying to figure out what the heck I am going to eat for the day. Unfortunately, I have a hard time "visualizing" a positive food day. All I think about is how hungry I am going to be if I don't figure this out real quick. This is where food preparation comes into play. Plan ahead, make your meals for the week and package them up. There should be no room for last ditch fast food.

Listen freinds (I took that line from John McCain!), there have been no genetic changes in the human body during the last 100 years, so the factors causing significant improvement in athletic achievement (in everything from running to weightlifting) clearly stem from our better knowledge of nutrition, weight training, and perhaps most importantly, better visualization!!!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Lately, I have been hungry for chinese. But you all know the problem with eating out chinese........first off, most people go for chinese when they are starving and cannot remember the last time they ate.

So, you go and order a large entre plus an egg roll, hot and spicy soup, plus whatever appettizer sounds good at the time. I prefer the shrimp spring rolls to get things started. Then you proceed to eat ALL of it. If you are like me, you always end up feeling miserable afterwards, but I'd eat it all anyway.

I am not sure why I am thinking about this right now..........maybe because I am working late tonight and I am STARVING! I brought all my meals today too, but they simply don't appeal to me right now.

Today is a birthday for my friend, Laura. Maybe I should be having visions of ice cream and cake dancing in my head, instead. That kinda sounds good on my throat cuz it feels like I have swallowed gravel from the sandlot. Yea, I am getting sick. I guess it comes as a hazard of being a doctor. It's nothing that I cannot fight off.

I am not sure where I am going with this.....I am just waiting for a strep screen to come back. They take exactly 5 min to run unless it comes back positive sooner. No! I don't have strep throat! I have a cough too. Most cases of strep don't include cough. The classic symptoms of strep are fever, sore throat, and swollen glands on the front of the neck.

Ok folks, the bill is in the mail. I just told you all my secrets!! :)

Friday, October 03, 2008

Extra! Extra! Lose Body Fat NOW..........No Crunches, No Exercise, No Kidding........Just great tasting food. Now you can eat food THIS delicious and EVERY bite will contain the antidote to belly fat, the natural ingredient that actually TARGETS BELLY FAT!

This is not a joke. I read this add today. And I would venture to guess someone out there purchased this food that contains the "antidote" to belly fat.

Folks, please do not be mislead by these ads and articles. Please use some common sense. Seriously, does anyone really think they can lose belly fat simply by eating some magic food? I hope not......and if I am wrong, then I am not doing my job.

As many of you know, I have a huge passion for health and fitness. This past weekend I have updated my personal website. Included are lots of fact-filled articles, recipes, exercise routines, and a bunch of stuff about yours truly.......the lean, mean, IronLadyDOC machine. Check it out at

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This past weekend I attended the Mr. and Ms. Olympia. Despite the fact that I was sick the entire weekend and the expo was subpar, I came away with a new energy for my workouts. The past few months I have had only moderate intensity, my poundage progression has been non-existent, and my bodybuilding progress has been non-existent as well. The fact that my routines were clearly not working, did not register with me that I needed to make some changes..........not until this past weekend that is. So, instead of continuing my current pattern, I am going to try a new program.

This morning I felt like a kid again. I trained back, and as many of you know, this is my favorite bodypart to train. I went heavy on bb rows, db rows, low pulley rows, and finished with heavy lat pulldowns to the front.

Let me just tell you that training failures can be valuable learning experiences. If you approach your training failures and setbacks with a positive attitude, you can use them to improve your chance of success.

Use your gym time wisely. Train hard and smart. Use exercises suited for you. Strive to add poundage to your lifts. Use a balanced program that includes, not only weights, but also cardio and stretching. Eat like a champ and sleep well. Don't undermine your training by cutting corners or persisting with exercises, routines, or methods that don't help you!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Good afternoon! Here is a shout out to Stephanie. She wants you all to know she is my number one fan!!

Today I am going to teach you something short and saweet about the term, "whole-grain".

In order to learn the full benefit of eating whole grains, I decided that I should make some whole grain bread at home. Ha, Not really. I cannot tell a lie.....I do not bake. I just make believe cook. It can be just as fulfilling as the real thing, but not quite as messy. So, I checked at the local Hy-Vee for whole grain. However, when I went to the grocery store, I could only find flour labelled 'whole wheat'.

"Whole-grain" means that all parts of the grain (germ, endosperm, and bran) are present. Wheat is one type of grain. So, "whole-wheat flour" is absolutely a whole-grain product. You can make whole-grain bread using whole-wheat flour or a combination of whole-grain flours, such as oat, spelt, kamut, rice, rye, or buckwheat.

I found out there can be some challenges with baking whole-grain breads at home. Breads made with 100% whole-wheat (or whole-grain) flour can be somewhat coarse and heavy. They don't keep very well. Many bakers like to mix in some refined flour to lighten the texture while still getting the benefit of whole grains. Or, look for King Arthur's White Whole Wheat Flour.

"White flour" usually refers to flour that has had the germ and bran removed--which is not a whole-grain flour. But the King Arthur's White Whole Wheat is a 100% whole-wheat flour that's milled from a different strain of wheat (called "white wheat"). White wheat is lighter in texture. When you bake with it, the result is more like a combination of regular whole wheat and refined white flour....but it's still 100% whole grain.

Now that all my blogger buddies are experts on this whole grain stuff, you can all bake me some bread!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hi there blogger buddies! I hope everyone has had a great weekend!

As many of you know, I have been involved in mission work over the years........the most recent was my involvement with ChildVoice International. ChildVoice International is a group that was set up to help the child mothers of Northern Uganda. For many of the child mothers of northern Uganda, there was no hope before ChildVoice International. They experienced rejection, pain, hunger, and fear for themselves and their children.

These young women were abducted as children by the Lord's Resistance Army, a rebel force that has waged a 22 year civil war in northern Uganda. They were beaten, raped, abused and enslaved. When they finally escaped the rebels, they didn't have homes, villages or families to return to because of the war. And now they were mothers, responsible for their own children when they were as young as 14 years old.

Today, 30 child mothers and their 43 children are living in a sanctuary, ChildVoice residential program in Lukodi. Here they have beds to sleep in, clothing to wear, three meals a day - something they have not experienced in a long time if ever. They are continuing their education which had stopped abruptly when they were abducted. ChildVoice has been helping the mothers learn vocational training and they are also receiving counseling which gives them hope for the future. Their children are in early childhood development classes to help them grow and thrive so they heal as well.

Many more child mothers and their children are waiting for the future ChildVoice International can provide with your help. Conrad Mandsager, the founder of Childvoice International and his brother, Dr. Neil Mandsagger, have been struggling financially to keep ChildVoice afloat. I was called to go on a mission this past summer. I was influenced by the lives of these people. I saw that they are being taught the love of God, and they are feeding their body and soul for the Glory of God.

I want to help the people of Northern Uganda with tools to educate their young people, food to nourish their mind, and the Word to fill their spirits. ChildVoice wishes to plant the seed of love for Christ.

I understand that there are many organizations out there for you to support, but I am asking you to help support ChildVoice International. I was there personally. I saw these moms and their children. I saw the good works they are learning and the hopes they have of being productive on their own. I also saw that they were putting Christ at the center in their teachings.

If anyone has ideas regarding fundraising or would like to donate to this organization, please contact me at Won't you join us in our mission. Your donation will help our vision become reality and will make you an integral part of change for a better future in our world. We need your support and your prayers and thank you in advance.

I look for forward to hearing from you!

-your Ironladydoc

Friday, September 19, 2008

Today is a big day for me.........I just reached Oprah Winfrey status according to one of my patients. She was fearful I will become so famous that I move away and start my own TV series or take the place of Dr. OZ. To be honest, Oprah has been trying to get me on her daytime program for quite some time. The title of the series would be "Day to Day with Dr. J" a health series to include exercise and nutrition. I have declined due to my current patient load. Oprah was discouraged, but very respectful!

Ok, so I cannot tell a lie...........No Oprah offers, but it's true about my current patient load.

For more on Dr. J, check out the following link.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Recently I have been having a lot of questions regarding meal planning and how much protein that needs to be consumed at each meal.

Let me first state that exercise is a must. To get lean and defined, exercise must be done regularly. To strip away fat and increase your muscle definition, do some type of resistance exercise (i.e. weight training) at least 4 times per week along with cardiovascular training (e.g. jogging or cycling). Always perform your cardio AFTER your weight training session or simply split the two routines up in your day.

Ok, now we are ready to explore the meal planning. You've probably been reading that multiple small meals divided through the day is the best for health and weight loss. I advocate 5-6 small meals a day. Grazing rather than gorging boosts your metabolic rate, reduces hunger by stabilizing blood sugar levels, and keeps your energy levels high. The easiest way to do this is to prepare all your meals for the day and bring them along with you. It takes some planning time, but once you get used to it, you won't ever worry about what to eat at your next meal.

When planning each meal, include a protein source in each meal. Protein will help your metabolism because it has a high "thermic effect of food" (roughly double that of carbohydrates and fat). Raising the amount of protein you eat daily will increase your TEF by 21 calories. Protein should comprise about thirty-five percent of your total calories (most people eat 15 percent).

An easy and simplifed way of calculating grams of protein, carbs, and fats, is to consume 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight if working out regularly, 3/4 gram of carbs per pound of bodyweight, and 1/2 gram healthy fats per pound of bodyweight. For example, a 150 pound person will eat 150 g of protein each day in divided meals, 112 g of carbs per day in divided meals, and 75 grams of healthy fats each day in divided meals.

As mentioned above, this is a very simplistic approach to meal planning. It is used as a general guideline. For more individualistic approach, I suggest a nutrtionist, and lots of reading to increase your knowledge base.

Train Hard and Eat Smart
-Your IronLadyDoc

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Everyone begins a fitness plan with one goal in mind....RESULTS. And most likely, they want those results YESTERDAY! So, what if there was a way you could accelerate your results? Here's where post workout nutrition comes into play. Post workout meals are important no matter what a persons' goals are......whether it is to lose weight, gain mass, or simply maintain your current body weight. What you choose to eat (or not to eat) will determine how quickly your body recovers after a workout. Failure to eat the right food after exercise — or worse — skipping the post-exercise meal altogether can harm your body.

Right after a workout, your body is in need of nutrients. Your muscles need carbohydrates to replace their drained fuel sources (muscle glycogen) and they need protein to begin the repairing and rebuilding process. This repair and recovery process will improve the condition of your muscles and in return will boost your metabolism.

The sooner you eat, the sooner the recovery process can begin because your muscles are like sponges, ready to absorb everything you feed them, which is why you need to focus on the timing and the quality of this meal. This timing is referred to by many as the "window of opportunity". Your goal is to eat something within the first 30-60 minutes after your workout. The better the nutrients you provide, the better the recovery.

So what do you eat? The best post workout meal option is a liquid source. This is most ideal because a drink can be processed and utilized by your body much faster than eating a whole food meal that takes time to digest. Mix 30 grams of whey protein powder with 60 grams of easily digestible carbs such as orange juice or gatorade.

Finding the time to eat is one challenge, but embracing the mindset that it is okay to fill your body with food after workout is yet another challenge we must overcome.

It is very common for women to skip this post workout meal due to a combination of false beliefs..
- eat less, weigh less
- post workout is when we feel the "lightest"

However, this is the most important time TO put food into your body. This isn't going to sabotage weight-loss efforts. If anything, it will allow you to be more productive in your exercise, which in the long term is going to help you with your weight-loss efforts.

Take your fat loss plan to the next level be ensuring you have the right type of post workout meal within 30-60 minutes after your workout. If you want results, you have to pay attention to nutrient timing.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I don't like the rain. I LOVE the rain. Today, I have felt teased all day. This morning I woke to a light misty rain falling..........just enough to get my truck dirty, but then it simply tapered off and now we have this overcast sky that looks like it could break open at any minute. The breeze is gentle, but the air is thick. It is very humid today.

Do you feel the rain cominig? The air gets cool, the wind picks up, and then "here comes the rain!" Tears from heaven coming from the sky. Do you like the way the rain sounds when it splashes off things, the way it hits the windows at night when you are sleeping, or the way it comes streaming down your gutters? Do you like the smell of rain or how clean and fresh everything becomes because of the rain?

I have always wondered why people don't like the rain. They actually get upset over a few light drops of water tearing from the sky. It's comical, people will hop in the shower and spray themselves in the face with hot or cold water but they won't stand out in a light drizzle. I, on the other hand would pass on the shower and have no problem standing out in the rain. I understand it can seem bothersome at times. When you feel there's so much to do, or you are all dressed up and your hair is dazzling, and then........bam, it rains. That can be a real pisser, but guess what, you won't melt, and you will dry. And just remember, everyone else is probably going to have a bad hair day just like you!

Whether you like the rain or not, it is a necessity. Lots of people depend on the, gardeners, and those without running water at all. Imagine how they love the rain!

Next time it rains, take a moment to enjoy the sound. It is really very calming. Consider all that grows with those little tears from heaven!

I think I just heard thunder! It is going to rain!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

You say it's your birthday???? Have you ever thought about the word, "Birthday"? Let's have a little review session. Birthday is actually the name given to the date of the anniversary of a person's birth. Betcha didn't know that one!

Birthdays are most commonly celebrated more for the children than for the adults, unless it is a milestone birthday such as 21, 30, 40 or 50........or if you are like me and enjoy every single birthday!!!!

At childrens parties (and mine!) balloons and streamers are hung up and lots of friends are invited to the party. There are ALWAYS presents, cakes and ice cream.

As tradition has it, the birthday person usually has a cake topped with for each year and they must try to blow them out in one breath. If successful their secret wish will come true. Sometimes the person having the birthday chooses to do something really fun like: bowling, going to a movie, going out for sushi, shopping, or even going to chuckeeecheese. Why there, I am not sure, but I heard that you can be really messy and they clean up after you!

So, this big cake is made and set before the guest of honor. The candles are put on top based on how old you are and then everyone sings the "happy birthday" song. At the end of the song, the birthday person is supposed to make a wish and without telling anyone what it is, he or she blows out the candles. If they blow them all out with one blow, their birthday wishes will come true. So where did that birthday song come from? It was written by two American sisters in 1893, and has been translated into several languages around the world.

One more tidbit.........back in the day, some children received birthday "spankings", which were originally based on superstition, but are now more of a birthday prank or a joke. Are you telling me that my five year old birthday spankings were a prank? NO WAY! I won't believe it. I still have the pictures and I believe history when they say that spankings were given for each year of the birthday child's life. Beyond that number, a child received another spanking to grow on, one to live on, one to eat on, one to be happy, and yet another spanking to get married on. I never got that last one!!!

Why all the history? I just want to tell my two friends, Jennifer Becker and Sheri Hofhuis, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Jen's birthday is tomorrow and Sheri's is on September 11. I love you guys and hope you have a super spectacular anniversary birthday shinding full of fun, balloons, streamers, cake, ice cream, friends, family, and lots of spankings to grow on, live on, eat on, get married on, and have precious little babies on!

Monday, September 01, 2008

Back in 1986, I bought this old '72 Ford LTD. I payed cash for it.......$750. She was a "cream puff" as my dad would say. I drove that thing through my first year of residency (1997). I loved that car. It was simple, straight-forward, no nonsense. There were no onboard computers, no electric windows, no navigation system (not that I couldn't have used one of those a time or two driving back and forth to college). I always tried to find a faster, easier route from Waverly to Spencer. Truth is, by the time I got back on the main roads after being lost, I didn't save a minute of time.

And then there is my dad telling me to check the oil, make sure you have water in the radiator, and don't travel if you are tired? Well, I might have overlooked a few of his comments more than once! Like the time, I was singing along to my favorite Bruce Springsteen song while the breeze was blowing in through the window, my hair blowing like a tumble weed, the lining on the roof of the car sagging down because the air was getting up underneath and causing a parachute like effect. Don't laugh, this is all true. Then, oh man, I hadn't driven far enough nor long enough before this black smoke was coming out from under the hood. I got out and went around to the front of the car. I stood there looking down, like an idiot, immobile. I was struck by the fact that I didn't really want to have a look. I knew it had been a long time since I looked under the hood. And, I am not sure I wanted to the information lying at the end of the dipstick.

I had to have a look. This could not go on. I found the oil dipstick, pulled it out with dread.........whew, a cold shiver fell over me. It looked ok. I sighed, but next was the radiator. I heard my dad's voice, "Malea, don't forget to check the water level in the radiator". Oh good grief, Malea, just loosen up the cap and see what damage has been done. Yea, that was it. I peered into the DARK, black hole and could just barely see the water level line. Good thing I stopped when I did. You know the people who don't stop....They drive with a fire coming out from under their hood untill they get to the next town! Luckily, I had some water bottles in my car. My dad kept gallon jugs of water in my trunk for fear that this very thing would happen to me on the road! My dad is so smart!

We do this with our internal life as well. Something comes up to cause us to realize it has been a long time since we had a look under the hood. We eat poorly for years and years only to find that our cholesterol is elevated, we are on the verge of diabetes, and our BMI reads.........."Obese". Over the years I have learned a valuble lesson: pay now, or pay MORE later. It's true in every aspect of our life. "I don't want to exercise. I just want to coast along." It's usually too late when we find ourselves in the ICU after a major heart surgery. So, what's the deal here? I will tell you what is really going on here...........WE do not want to be inconvenienced. Whether it is the water level in my radiator or the health of your heart, we don't want the information that we already sense could be bad or worse yet, don't want the disruption that it could bring. WE would rather avoid it altogether.........until my car shuts down, or you have your first MI.

The truth is, we all need to make a little shift in life. We all need to cultivate a willingness to go wherever it is we need to go to face life........especially when it comes to the internal issues. I love my old Ford LTD, but it is nothing compared to your health. There is no getting to it later. We don't get to it later. It simply goes away. Now is the time.........check under your hood!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Goooooooood morninnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng Bloggers!!!!!!!!

I'm sitting in front of my computer this morning (obviously!), my fingers lying softly on the keys of the keyboard. My email is open to a message I received this past Thursday from one of my exercise participants. When I got done reading the message, I was prompted to delete, save, or simply move on to the next message. My inner voice was asking me, "Are you sure you want to delete this email?" No, I'm not sure. It is such a good email. A long pause. A deep sigh. Want to know what it said? Of course you do!

Jill, Malea and Sarah,

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!! 100 exactly. Actually it was 98.8 so they had be take off my watch, my glasses, and my socks and that did it.
Thanks to all of you for pushing me. This was one of my ultimate goals. My next one is 13 more pounds. This will get me to what I weighed the day I started college in Aug of 1985.
Just so you know, I really enjoy how you all do the classes. I like the variety and I like not knowing what we're going to do in advance. It makes it a lot of fun! I never would have said that about any exercise even a year ago. I've come a long way.

Does that email just want to make your heart leap for joy? This is a lady who has been on a mission to lose a 100 pounds......not an easy goal as you may guess. Her story actually began quite some time ago. On and off "diets", little or no physcial activity. "Hey couch potatoes, do you hear me?" "Is your heart beating out of your chest?" That could be your red flag, tiny as it may seem, a red flag nonetheless. You can be just as successful as this lady. Get up, get going, come follow me to the sanctuary of health. It won't be easy, nothing worth having is ever EASY! But you can do it! I have seen it happen thousands of times before. Give it a try.

Until next time, train hard and eat smart!

Your IronLadyDoc

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ahhh, how are my blogger buddies doing this fine Thursday morning? It is hot and muggy.......but oh so much better than 40 below zero!

Over the past two months I have been on "summer vacation." Now that all the kids are back to school, I don't have any play buddies. Overall, It has been an enjoyable time of book reading, "deck" time, job searching, and yes, lawn care! I have to say, my lawn is the envy of the neighborhood. I have been asked if I want to go into full-time landscaping and lawn care as my lawn is looking like the back nine at Pinehurst.

Did you know your lawn is similar to your craves feedings and water. If you are interested in what I do for my lawn, here are my secrets:

1-Apply a fertilizer called, “Scotts Turf Builder With Halts Crabgrass Preventer” in April or May. Fertilizing lawns goes hand in hand with weed control.
2-“Scotts Turf Builder With PLUS 2 Weed Control” can be applied in June. This fertilizer fills the need for additional weed control, as the herbicide component fights everything from ground ivy to purslane to white clover.
3-In July or August, apply “Scotts Super Turf Builder with SummerGuard.” This fertilizer is billed by Scotts as a product that “strengthens and summer-proofs" your grass while "combating a spectrum of harsh seasonal threats like insects, heat and drought.”
4-Finally, Scotts winterizering fertilizer should be applied in fall. Fertilizing lawns with this product will not only prepare grass for winter, but also give you a head start towards achieving the green turf you’ll want next spring.

Ok, now, if you want to know about feeding your body, read the following:

1. Eat every 2-3 hours, no matter what. You should eat between 5-8 meals per day.
2. Eat complete (containing all the essential amino acids), lean protein with each meal.
3. Eat fruits and/or vegetables with each food meal.
4. Ensure that your carbohydrate intake comes from fruits and vegetables. Exception: workout and post-workout drinks and meals.
5. Ensure that 25-35% of your energy intake comes from fat, with your fat intake split equally between saturates (e.g. animal fat), monounsaturates (e.g., olive oil), and polyunsaturates (e.g. flax oil, salmon oil).
6. Drink only non-calorie containing beverages, the best choices being water and green tea.
7. Eat mostly whole foods (except workout and post-workout drinks). For these I recommend about 40 grams of easily digestable carbs and 20 grams of whey protein.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Helloooooooooo Blogsters! Today is a friend's birthday. Can you guess by the picture who this is? You got it............Jill Olsen. She does not like birthdays half as much as I do, but now that I am making her famous, you might as well send Jill a happy birthday greeting on her email at

She will love me for this!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Hellooooo Everyone! I have to do a little bragging tonight! I help teach a class called X-cise at Priority Fitness and Health Spa. It is for women who are overweight. Many have never worked out before in their life. Others have been involved in other programs or had a personal trainer.

The first class started August 11 and, I must say, these women have done awesome. I am really proud of their hard work. Tonight they were sweating and groaning, but they got the job done. It helped when the "Eye of the Tiger" came on! I saw a little bit of sly Stallone in each of these ladies.

My friends, Sara Hunt and Jill Olsen, are the main "go-to" gals for workouts, but I have been helping with meal plans and lectures covering the basics of eating healthy.

If you are interested in learning more about the classes offered please contact Jill Olsen at or Sara Hunt at

You will see how we can "Change YOUR Body, One Class at a Time!"

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hello Bloggers! You mustn't worry yourselves that my blog has not been updated for 9 months. In fact, my website has not been updated for 11 months. Here's to a new start. I have a friend working on my website and it looks to be up in the next 6 months. We must not rush her as this could ruffle some feathers. She once told me she does not like deadlines. Amazing, but I heard she still has her job!! Ha!

I have some new friends.......or so my facebook says! It is amazing how many people get on that site. Michael Phelps even asked to be my friend. I have that effect on a lot of people! Of course, I clicked YES! I can't leave the olympian hangin'.

My summer has gone by lickity split. I went on a mission trip to Uganda June 14-28 with ChildVoice International ( This was some serious fly time, but it was so worth it. Yea, it changed my life. Of course it did. Just try it sometime........go to a third world country and see if you don't come back a changed person. I will have pics posted on my website (

In case you have not heard, Michigan plays Utah the first game of the year next weekend. Yay, for college football and the Michigan Wolverines!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hi everyone! I am not sure that many of you are keeping up to date with my blog, especially since my site has been down for so long, but I assure you, it will be up by my birthday in May! Something wonderful to look forward to, eh?

I figured I would simply ease back into this by giving you some "short and sweet" information on High Fructose Corn Syrup. Each of you need to look at food labels more closely so you can refrain from this additive.

As most of you probably know, many food companies are in the process of eliminating HFCS from their entire inventory. Most of the products that have been introduced over the last couple of years have been developed with cane sugar instead of HFCS.

First of all, it has not been scientifically proven that HFCS is more detrimental to your health than cane sugar. HFCS does have about 5% more fructose than cane sugar and in some laboratory studies fructose has had a more negative affect on health than its counterpart glucose. Many food processors switched from sugar to HFCS in the ‘70s because it was easier to transport, not susceptible to freezer burn, and gave food a longer shelf life. It’s always been cheaper than sugar until just recently due to the sharp rise in the price of corn. From 1995 to 2003 federal corn subsidies totaled $37.3 billion; more than twice that of wheat; and are currently about $11 billion a year. These subsidies have played a huge role in enabling the drink companies, convenience stores and fast food services to offer larger portions at moderate prices, resulting in a variety of health problems over the years.

HFCS is produced by processing corn starch to yield glucose; then processing the glucose to produce a high percentage of fructose. Three different enzymes are needed to break down the cornstarch – alpha-amylase, glucoamylase, and glucose-isomerase. A liquid chromatography step takes the mixture to 90% fructose which is then back-blended with the original mixture to yield a final concentration of about 55% fructose.

Cane sugar, by comparison, is produced by crushing the cane, and heating, clarifying, and evaporating the juice. The product is then crystallized in vacuum pans, separated in a centrifuge, and then dried.

My philosophy and that of Preventative Health Sciences ( is simple-- the further a food product gets away from its original state (due mostly to processing and reformulation), the worse the quality.