
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

After chatting with a friend this morning about fitness and health, I contemplated the learning curve that many people still have to go through in order to understand the benefits of fitness and a lean body.

I have been involved in a fitness activity, in one form or another, for the past 32 years. I am so glad to have lived through a number of changes in the fitness arena as well as the way doctors perceive health.

I am sure you are aware that, for years, bodybuilders and weight lifters were simply muscle-bound dummies. And, it was not uncommon for a doctor to tell their patients to avoid weight training for fear that they would do irreprable damage to themselves.

Now, enter stage left.......computers, x-box, blue ray movies, reality TV, the agricultural revolution, fat free foods, and hush............OBESTIY! As a physician, it is literally impossible to diagnose someone obese or fat for fear of getting reprimanded by the medical board or sued by the patient. Folks, this is just insane behavior. Is it not the doctor who SHOULD be telling you that your health may be compromised due to your body habitus? Of course it should!

Now, enter stage right.......doctors advocating training routines for weight loss, for heart health, and for overall fitness.

Folks, take a good look at where you have come from, and to where you are going. Seriously, take a good hard look. Don't put the blame on anyone or anything for what you have become........fat, skinny, rich, poor, smart, or ignorant. It's all YOU! I encourage you to start putting your mind, body, and spirit in balance.

If you want a healthy mind, read. If you want a healthy spirit, find a connection with your higher being, and if you want to be fit, exercise and eat smart. Watch how each of these things will make you stronger, healthier, and younger.

And, a little piece of advice from your "muscle-bound dummie" doctor, stay off the scale and start looking at your body you have developed for the last 10 years. Got FAT? or Got MUSCLE?

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