
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I am 10 days out from my show. The last two weeks of preparation have always been a challenge for me. Sometimes it starts 4 weeks out, but not this time. And, now, I am 10 days out from the show I have been training for the past 4 months. Lately, I have felt that the world has come crashing down on me. I am irritable, hungry, and tired. This is all too normal with most bodybuilders. Remaining serene is tough. Inner peace during these times is a real prize. But then again, when isn't inner peace absolutely necessary?

I asked my friend, Dave, to send me some words of wisdom today. He is so good at inspiring me. Here is what he said, "Remember, that what you envision is what you create ONLY IF you are DETACHED from the outcome. If you have expectations, you will ALWAYS be disappointed. The universe will "GIVE YOU" what you truly need; what you've created, NOT WHAT YOUR EGO wants. So, no matter what happens at this show, you will experience ONLY THE MOST DIVINELY PERFECT OUTCOME. Just be AWARE enough to see it. I'm very proud of what you've done and where you've come from (emotionally, physically and spiritually). You are a woman who finally has mastery over her body. Next step is to use your newfound "tools" to do what you are TRULY HERE TO DO..............."

Good advice, don't you think? So, today no matter what the problem, the single most important thing I can do is be quiet, go to a place of holiness in my heart, and release my attachements and fears. Sounds like a big job, but then again, nothing is easy if it is done right.

Hmm, I guess I needed to hear myself think this out in writing. I thank Dave, Misty, and Melissa, for listening to me this morning and supporting me. I feel good now!

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