Included in Dr. J's SOAP notes are the daily activities and thoughts that describe a doctor and a bodybuilder. Being a doctor and a bodybuilder are the things she does, but what defines her most, is her passion for life and her ability to inspire those around her to also be passionate about something in their own life. Dr. J is on her Walk--giving, inspiring, and loving. Make an appointment and tell her your complaints!
Center Stage Primary Care
Center Stage Physique
Saturday, April 29, 2006
They was it. I knew I was up for the day. I thought I could get my cardio out of the way since I was not meeting Mark until 8 am. So, I picked up my book and began my 45 min trek. I dove deeper into the Celestine Prophecy. I was getting into the 6th Insight. It has been capturing my interest for the past week.......the nine insigts. Each day I read about a new one. I mentioned the fourth insight a couple days we take energy from someone else for our own good. The sixth insight tries to discover why we try to suck energy from another. It is like some sort of drama. We all have them. It usually begins in childhood. Much of the attention given to the sixth insight is so that we can bring our particular control drama to full consciousness. It tells us that you cannot preceed to the next insight until this awareness occurs. We need to really look at ourselves and discover what we are doing to manipulate for energy. It is a process that needs to go back to your is always in relation to our family members that we develop our particular drama. Each person must interpret his family experience from an evolutionary point of view, from a spiritual point of view, and discover who he/she really is. Once we do that, our control drama falls away and our real lives are free to take off.
Sounds kinda far fetched? Not really. You must remember..........there is a tendency, however, to see these dramas in others, but to think we ourselves are free from such devices. Each of us must transcend this thinking to move on. In reality, almost all of us are stuck in some sort of drama and we need to step back and look at ourselves long enough to discover what it is.
Anyone's drama can be examined. They each have a drama that can be ranked from passive to aggressive. Everyone manipulates for energy either aggressively, directly forcing people to pay attention to them, or passively, playing on people's sympathy or curiosity to gain attention. For instance, if someone threatens you in some way, either verbally or physically, then you are forced to pay attention to him/her for fear of something bad happening to you. The person threatening is using the most aggressive type of drama........the INTIMIDATOR. If on the other hand someone tells you about all the bad things happening to them.......implying perhaps that you are to blame or are responsible......and then also implies that if you do not help them, then these horrible things are just going to continue. This person is playing at a passive level by being the POOR ME.
This seems quite complicated, but it's really not. A person will go to whatever extreme necessary to get attention energy. This strategy becomes their dominant way of controlling to get energy from everyone.
So, what do we do after we find out about our dramas and of those around us? Well, we can become truly free from the unconscious act we play, and find a higher meaning for our lives, through a higher spiritual being.
Open your doors and let the truth set you free!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
I have started reading The Celestine Prophecy. So far it has been enlightening. I don't know about you, but I am aware of the mysterious occurances that change one's life--the feeling that some other process is operating. In my opinion, this is God. I can also understand where some people might feel uncomfortable with this analogy. I mean, it does not fit our modern day common sense. Most people would feel more comfortable dismissing the whole idea of coincidences and get back to thinking in practical matters.........that's everyone's tendency.
My favorite part so far in the book is the Fourth Insight. It describes how humans compete for energy. It states that as time goes on, humans would see the universe as comprised of one dynamic energy (spirit, if you will) energy that can sustain us and respond to our every need. At the same time, however, we will also come to realize that for the most part, we have been disconnected from this all-knowing spirit and have found ourselves cut off, weak, and insecure.
In our current time, in the face of this deficit, humans have sought to increase "personal" energy in any manner they can--this is usually by stealing it from others. This is what underlies all human conflict. When we control another human being we receive their energy. We fill up at another's expense.
Most times the person is not aware they are trying to control a situation or person. It is how they were brought up. This person "thinks" he is right to control the situation and no doubt he learned a long time ago that he could successfully control by following this strategy in all he does. So, now, we have this person who first pretends to be your friend, then he finds something wrong with you or what you do. In effect, he subtly undermines your confidence in your own path until you begin to identify with him. As soon as it happens, he has you!
Terrible thought, eh? All of this is unconscious in most people. All they know is that they feel weak but when they control other people, they feel better. How do you fix it? Good question! The main reason that any conflict cannot immediately be settled is that one side is holding on to an irrational position for "energy" purposes! Once humans understand their struggle, they can begin to transcend this conflict. They could break free from "human" energy and get energy from the main source--the all-knowing, all-giving, all-loving! Hold on to this thought. It is coming! Have Faith, have Trust!
Saturday, April 22, 2006
One of the biggest mistakes we can make, however, is comparing ourselves with someone else and our gifts with their gifts. You see, God is not going to help me be anyone but ME, and God is not going to help you be anyone but you. In sport, we lose this focus many times. WE try to compete against someone else or become jealous of another's gifts. If you understand the nature of the almighty, you will come to realize that He is not calling us to compete with others, but to love and help one another. It is ironic, but God gave us each our gifts so that we could enhance other people's gifts, never allowing us to fall prey to the spirit of jealousy that is so prevalent in our society.
Think about this.............we think that first is best, but really what is best is where God wants us to be. Some people are intended to be number two, but they never become number one at being number two because they are spending their whole life wishing to be like number one and resenting them for it.
I cannot tell you how much I respect people who are honest with their evaluation of their gifts and talents. They share them so freely in order to enhance someone else and their gifts. On the other hand, I feel empathy for the person who tries to be something they are not. You see, when we are jealous of someone else, that jealousy actually prevents us from knowing what our gifts are from above. Picture this, God put gifts in us for the enjoyment of others, and God places gifts in others for our enjoyment. I have a story about this........last weekend I was visiting Colette. We worked on my routine for the Team U. I watched as she moved to the music I had prepared. I saw how she put little moves here and there. I could not repeat it for nothing. But you know what she told me? She said, "Malea, now you go do it and put your passion into it!" "Show me what the song means to you!" I thought that was so great! I was not jealous of how she got the feeling in 10 minutes and mastered the moves in 15 minutes. Instead, she allowed me to enjoy the song from her point of view. It was simply amazing!
Remember this, when we fight against our calling or are dissatisfied with what we have been given, we fight against the work of the Holy Spirit within us. Let us submit to Him, develop the gifts He gave to us with His help, and live for the glory of God.......not our own glory!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Common causes of hypogonadism are natural aging, chronic illnesses such Type 2 diabetes or HIV, congenital disorders such as Kleinfelter's Syndrome, mumps and other viruses, as well as trauma to the hypothalamus, pituitary, or the testes.
The prevalence of hypogonadism is more than you might think. Hypogonadism increases with age. Age-associated Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) levels reduce bioavailable testosterone. As mentioned above, the prevalence is also higher in Type 2 diabetics.
A doctor's challenge is looking for these subtle, but common symptoms. It is important for the doctor to recognize that hypogonadism can cause confusing overlap with other conditions associated with sexual dysfunction, most notably, depression.
If you think you have hypogonadism, ask your doc to check your free testosterone. Remember, you want to be fasting for this test in order to get the most accurate results. Obtaining a total testosterone level, FSH, LH, SHBG, or prolactin levels are really not necessary when we are talking about physiologic replacement.
Replacement androgens can overcome the problem of hypogonadism, but should never be used in men with known or suspected cancer of the breast or prostate. All women should avoid skin contact with application sites in men who use gel replacement.
This is just a brief overview of this condition. I invite you to talk to your doctor about this if you have any signs or symptoms mentioned above.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
For healthy growth, your nails need proper nutrition. B-vitamins, calcium, folic acid and vitamin C are all very important; since the body needs all of these nutrients to maintain nail health. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
A vitamin-B deficiency, especially biotin, will produce ridges along the bed of the nail. A diet lacking in calcium contributes to dry and brittle nails. Lack of folic acid, a B-vitamin, and vitamin C are partially responsible for the development of hangnails, a painful and bothersome problem. Insufficient essential oils in the diet cause cracking. If you don’t eat enough sources of essential fatty acids in your diet you can supplement with flaxseed oil or evening primrose oil, both of which are great sources of the two essential fatty acids, Omega-3 and Omega-6. Remember: B-vitamins are abundant in organ meats, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. You can find calcium in all dairy foods, as well as dark green leafy vegetables. Citrus fruits are plentiful in vitamin C - try to include these every day. Essential fatty acids are found in fatty fish, such as tuna, salmon and sardines, as well as in flax seed oil, nuts, seeds, and tofu.
Friday, April 14, 2006
It is not hard keeping on the diet with these two. Dave and Colette stock up on only the best salmon, steak, and chicken. Everything is organic. I brought some of my goodies with me, but for the most part I have everything I need.
We have been training as well. Yesterday we did arms at Gold's, and today we did hammies at Dolphin gym. Colette has a nice life here. She has everything she needs. I am so happy for her. Her and Dave have a beautiful house right on the water. I have their two little dogs around my heels all the time who just love to love everyone. They are getting a lot of TLC from me. I love the little girls! Maybe I need to think about getting a little dog to hang around my ankles............unconditional love!
I hope everyone has a wonderfully full Easter. Feel good!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
People may ask "How do you do it? How do you stay positive all the time?" My first answer would be to think positive. Say to yourself........"I feel good!" Get up each day saying, "I feel blessed!" Do this and you will be blessed and feel good. You can also Associate yourself with other positive people. It works. I love going to work out in the morning because my workout partner, Mark, is thee most positive person I know. He loves life. He realizes just how perfect he is and he lives it every day. It is so refreshing for me to see him each day. It is like a great cup of coffee!
Try these things and see how great your workouts go, how fun work can be, and notice how everyone responds to you. It is amazing!
A Prayer for Today
God, I am Your child and that means I am destined to live a life of victory. I know that through you, all things are possible
Monday, April 10, 2006
Sunday, April 09, 2006
This morning at church, I learned that Jesus is on the move! Today is Palm Sunday--the first day of Holy Week. The bible tells us that the intensity and drama is building. The people are gathering from all over to see Jesus on the move. Holly week is given to us because this is our chance.......God is calling each of us to act.......yes, "Act"! Holy week is not just something we do. It is who we are. It is an action--not just a ritual or tradition. It is who we are on Sunday and the whole week through. It is who we are at work, at home, in social circles, and it is who we are in church. God is giving us this week to see what the buzz is all about.
Jesus is on the move. He is telling us to move with him. He says, "Come with me, move with me, have faith in me!" Holy week is all about movement.........purposeful movement. Ask yourself, "Is Jesus on the move in my life?"Do you pour yourself and your love into your friends, family, co-workers, grocery store clerks, etc? Or, do you wonder why things are not going so well for you? Well, maybe that is because you are sitting still! Get on the move! Trust me, you will warm up!
You know, the most important thing to consider about Holy week is that Jesus walked right into His own death. He knew He was going to be killed. So why did He go? You know the answer.......He did it for YOU! He knew what you would need and He put your needs before His own. This is truly honorable, so very loving. And years later, He is still doing it for us. He is giving each of us the gift of eternal life with His father. So, what are you waiting for? Why not get on the move with with Him! You won't have to ask why your life is so bad. You won't have to ask why nothing goes your way when you gossip about another child of God. Don't be bitter! Don't stand still! Get on the move! Aslan (the Lion........Jesus) is on the move this week. Run with Him! Let Jesus be on the move in you!
Hosanna...............Praise God...............God Save us!
Monday, April 03, 2006
To truly understand the importance of establishing healthy eating habits, you need to ask yourself a very simple question: “Why do humans need to eat?” Simply put, humans need to eat to supply their bodies with nutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals) that can supply the body with fuel for energy, aid in tissue growth and repair, and act in various biochemical reactions. As you are well aware, most people eat because they like to eat. When we eat like this, we stuff ourselves with unhealthy choices. This sets ourselves up for unhealthy outcomes........diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure to name a few.
As a bodybuilder or athlete of any kind, you will find that certain foods make you perform better. This goes the same way at work. You focus better and perform much better. In a sense, it is a science, but not rocket science. Your car does not run on greasy french fries and neither do you!
Choose wisely. Eat to grow!
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Each of us has dreams and passions planted in us from day one. Expose them and let the light of your heart brighten someone!