
Thursday, December 28, 2006

A million things go right in our day, yet we are so focused on went wrong. What went wrong should be, "look what is right!" So................your alarm woke you up on time for work (or better yet, your WORKOUT) this morning. If that thought doesn’t make you jump for joy, ask yourself what would have happened if the alarm had failed? I know I would have been late for Mark and Melissa and I would have missed the opportunity to make big boulder shoulders! You on the other hand, would have woken up late, rushed out the door, forgotten your lunch, and arrived at the office a mess. Worse, what if you hadn’t woken up at all?

Think of it, on a typical day, a million things go right. The shower has hot water, your car starts, and your computer turns on. Man, that is a big one for me since we have gone totally electronic at work for medical records.

Unfortunately, we don’t always appreciate the good things around us. Instead of seeking out the bad, however, focus your eyes on the good that’s right in front of you. Here are my million reasons to focus on the good:

I am so glad I got out of bed today. A friend from my gym brought me some photos 10 years old from my first bb competition. Had I not gotten up, I would not have them. I will be sure to scan them and make a new gallery for everyone to check out my hairdoooooooooo!

I am so glad I got out of bed today so I could go to work. I helped 23 sick patients get better.

I am so glad I got out of bed today so I could train a client. I inspired her to take herself to a new level.

I am so glad I got out of bed today. I got invited to see Max and Charlie's christmas band set!

I am so glad I got out of bed today so I could experience all this and tell you about it.

Did you get out of bed today and see a million things right? Try again tomorrow if you didn't!

And, one more thing before I go, don't forget to tell someone you love them..........right from the 'ole ticker!

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