
Friday, October 27, 2006

Since being in my new house, one of my favorite places to sit is in my office. It overlooks my front yard. Occassionally, little sparrows perch on my window ledge. It is a big window so lots of little birds can perch there. Anyway, I love to look at my yard. I take great pride in my lawn. I have never had one of my own, but I love caring for lawns and landscape so much that I used to take care of a friends lawn for two summers. I had the most enjoyable time. There is something about the finishing results when you are all done. So, last weekend I got back from a bb show and I was sitting in my home office looking out the window trying to decide whether or not to mow my lawn. It hadn’t rained in quite a while, but as it gets colder you should really mow the grass down so it can grow deeper roots.....especially new sod.

Anyway, you are probably wondering where I am going with this, but I was thinking about how slowly grass grows until one day you look out and it is ankle deep. Isn't that how most people gain weight? Gaining weight and becoming unhealthy is a lot like grass growing because each is a very slow process. So slow, as a matter of fact, that it goes unnoticed until it becomes suddenly obvious. This is particularly true when gaining weight. I often hear people make comments like, “One day I looked in the mirror and suddenly I didn’t recognize myself anymore.” As if some magical transformation took place the night before and changed them in their sleep. However, the truth is that the transformation was in the making for quite some time.

If only the remedy for excess weight was as simple and quick as mowing the lawn, what a wonderful world that would be! I can just hear it now, “Honey, I’ll be back in about an hour. I’m going out in the yard to lose about 50 pounds.” That’s one of the things that I love about mowing the lawn. It’s one of the only things that I do in my life where I can see instant results. But, unfortunately, weight loss it isn’t that simple and it certainly doesn’t happen in an instant. Obtaining that fit body and healthy lifestyle that you so desperately want, will take time and effort. However, the satisfaction and benefits of losing weight will change a lot more than the shape of your body. It will recharge your emotional batteries, make you a healthier person and breathe new life into your spirit. Why not make today the day you begin creating that new life?

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