
Friday, October 27, 2006

Since being in my new house, one of my favorite places to sit is in my office. It overlooks my front yard. Occassionally, little sparrows perch on my window ledge. It is a big window so lots of little birds can perch there. Anyway, I love to look at my yard. I take great pride in my lawn. I have never had one of my own, but I love caring for lawns and landscape so much that I used to take care of a friends lawn for two summers. I had the most enjoyable time. There is something about the finishing results when you are all done. So, last weekend I got back from a bb show and I was sitting in my home office looking out the window trying to decide whether or not to mow my lawn. It hadn’t rained in quite a while, but as it gets colder you should really mow the grass down so it can grow deeper roots.....especially new sod.

Anyway, you are probably wondering where I am going with this, but I was thinking about how slowly grass grows until one day you look out and it is ankle deep. Isn't that how most people gain weight? Gaining weight and becoming unhealthy is a lot like grass growing because each is a very slow process. So slow, as a matter of fact, that it goes unnoticed until it becomes suddenly obvious. This is particularly true when gaining weight. I often hear people make comments like, “One day I looked in the mirror and suddenly I didn’t recognize myself anymore.” As if some magical transformation took place the night before and changed them in their sleep. However, the truth is that the transformation was in the making for quite some time.

If only the remedy for excess weight was as simple and quick as mowing the lawn, what a wonderful world that would be! I can just hear it now, “Honey, I’ll be back in about an hour. I’m going out in the yard to lose about 50 pounds.” That’s one of the things that I love about mowing the lawn. It’s one of the only things that I do in my life where I can see instant results. But, unfortunately, weight loss it isn’t that simple and it certainly doesn’t happen in an instant. Obtaining that fit body and healthy lifestyle that you so desperately want, will take time and effort. However, the satisfaction and benefits of losing weight will change a lot more than the shape of your body. It will recharge your emotional batteries, make you a healthier person and breathe new life into your spirit. Why not make today the day you begin creating that new life?

Monday, October 23, 2006

I have been competing for the past 11 years. In that time, I have traveled with, and competed against some of the best athletes in the sport. In addition, I have compiled a long list of do's and don'ts in order to become the best. Amazing at it may seem, there is not a ONE WAY road to becoming a top notch bodybuilder or figure competitor. No single road to the top has ever been formally set in stone. There does, however, appear to be a common goal............lose fat and gain lean muscle mass.
The success of the best athletes has a lot to do with how they think. You have heard me paraphrase Wayne Dyer a number of times so if you forgot, here it is again.............What you think about, you will get, whether you want it or not. If you think that you can never get any better at what you are doing, guess what? You won't ever get any better. And, more importantly, if you think you are already doing everything you possibly can to become your very best, you will never get any better. Get it? Think and you shall receive! If you want to emulate the best athlete in your sport or the best salesman in your firm, you must emulate the way they think. I guarantee they are not thinking they have reached their maximum potential! The battle to become your best is against yourself. The guy or girl on the next bench over or on the East coast, or West coast, does not tell you if your next meal is eaten on time, and he/she is not the one forcing you to eat Happy Joes' Pizza and Cold Stone Ice Cream. His actions are not telling you when to go to bed and when to get up. He or she is not forcing you to skip cardio and go watch TV. Do you see? It is your thoughts that lead to YOUR actions! And if you say to yourself and to others that you don't want to be like the best performer in your field because you simply do not like them and that their way is the Wrong way.........guess what? That is the exact person you want to be like. You just cannot live up to the fact that they have it all together and you don't. You need to quit wishing you had what they have, quit being envious of what they have and positively think that what you want is exactly what you will get. Dig a little deeper, focus a little harder, get a little more intense about what it is you want, and go after it with a sense of victory at hand. Think it, believe it, see it, and you shall have it.
I want to end this post with a huge congratulatory hug to my friends, Jodie Schwartz and Chris Graziano. Chris is a 48 year old masters figure competitor who in a short two years took her physique to center stage this past weekend and won her first overall crown. Jodie, a 40 year old who has not had as much experience in this arena, took 2nd place behind Chris. These two women are examples of what can be accomplished when you act like the little red engine who could, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!" I am so proud of my friends and wish them both much success as they pursue their dreams! Check out my gallery page for their pics.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Lifestyle change is such a difficult and emotional struggle for most. Many people avoid healthy lifestyle changes because they have a fear of failure. They hold a deep-seated belief that they will ultimately fail, so, as a result, they don’t even try to create healthy changes. I have seen the struggles of my patients and I want so badly to be able to spend the time with them, to pump them up, to educate them, and to lead them into a healthier lifestyle. But, as you know, it is not easy to change a lifetime of behaviors in one office visit. The best advice can often be forgotten once the patient leaves my office.

For this reason, I am so excited about what Preventative Health Sciences has to offer for my patients. PHS has designed a treatment plan for diet and exercise that goes beyond what I can offer my patients in a single visit. PHS will help to combine interactive education for diet and exercise with the guidance of highly trained and educated individuals. Most importantly, PHS will be able to assist me in managing my patients! It will be a collaborative management. This is a wonderful concept that I have never been able to successfully incorporate due to lack of time with each patient.

Even more significant, is the fact that there are not any of those so called “fad diets.” As you are aware, fad diets come and go. We want people to be provided with sound nutritional advice that will help them in making choices for maintaining good health for the long term.

As for the exercise component of the program, benefits occur independently of weight loss. Exercise has demonstrated health benefits, including lowering blood glucose levels, increasing insulin sensitivity, and improving cardiovascular risk factors.

I am so excited about this program. I have always promoted preventative medicine and now I see the opportunity to provide it to my patients. Better yet, it is physician directed and patient managed. The patient is in total control of their lifestyle. The patient learns to recognize that their actions reflect their beliefs, and it is what they do that demonstrates what they believe. By taking even the smallest steps, they are communicating that they want to make changes. This is so awesome!

Let’s get busy making some changes today and remember, change begins with knowledge and understanding. Then, we can incorporate what we learn into a long-term lifestyle!

If you would like to learn more about PHS and the programs we offer, contact either myself at Urbandale Family Physicians (276-3406), or my co-worker, Jake Velie at 559-7140.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

My dad came for a visit last week. He had a defibrillator check and is A-OK. He comes back to see the doctor next month. I love when he comes although he does not stay much more than one night and he has to get back. He is addicted to work.........imagine that!

This weekend I heard a sermon on I inspire others and how others inspire me. To be more specific, I learned about Deborah in the book of Judges and how she was viewed as a hero, a savior, and even a prophet--one who hears the word of God clearly and then inspires others to do amazing things. Deborah was a great judge, leader, and prophetess who rallied the Israelites against the Canaanites, to overcome their enemies in a period of discouragement and defeat.

Who in your life has inspired you? Who strengthens you? Sees your potential? Who wants for you to achieve what God calls you to be? There has to be someone that fits the discription. Or maybe, YOU, have been the one that inspires, the one who strengthens, the one who sees and calls others to keep eyes of faith and pursue their dreams. The point is this.........people who are inspired, are inspiring to others.

One thing is for sure........God desires to be your inspiration. He will work through you to inspire others and likewise, He will work through others to inspire you!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Two entries in one day.............whoa! I just received this email from a doc in Michigan regarding Juice Plus+. I have been taking this supplement per recommendations from Dave Palumbo. I have found it to be very worthyand I have prescibed it for my clients as well. Read the following email I received and if you want to give it a try, contact Dave Palumbo at This is who I purchase my product from.

I understand that you've recently started to take Juice Plus+. I wanted to let you know what an important decision I think that is. As a practicing physician of over 25 years, I see people every day who have suffered from degenerative diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer, or lost family members to them. Medical science has proven beyond a shadow of doubt that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can improve your odds of avoiding diseases like that. Leading health advocacy organizations like the National Cancer Institute and the American Heart Association all recommend eating 7-13 servings of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables a day. But I know my patients don't (and won't) eat nearly enough fresh, raw, fruits and vegetables. I don't. That's why I recommend Juice Plus+ to anyone who will listen, because it's such an easy way to make sure they get more nutrition from fresh fruits and vegetables into their diets every single day. Good health is the result of lots of things, including a good diet,exercise, even getting a proper amount of sleep. But one of the simplest things anyone can do is take two Orchard Blend capsules and two Garden Blend capsules every day. You're improving your odds every time you do. Dr. Shirley RobertsonFamily PracticeEast Lansing, Michigan
Hey there everyone! Good morning! I am doing a peer to peer educational conference today. I am sharing my wealth of knowledge with other docs regarding blood pressure and high cholesterol. It is actually a great day to be away from the office. I need a day off from the clinic. The past two weeks we have been preparing to go live with electronic medical records. I am not sure who is more frustrated--me, the doctor learning to use the computer, or the patient, having to "watch" me learn to use the computer. Ughhhh!

I want to mention the Olympia just briefly. As you know, it was history observed this past weekend as Jay Cutler beat Ronnie Coleman. More importantly, however, two of my good freinds had the opportunity to compete for the first time in an Olympia. I remember gabbing hours with Colette about our future in bb. Six years ago we were saying one of us was going to be on that stage some day. Last weekend was Colette's day. I was so happy for her. Wow, what an achievement. "Way to go, buddy!" Patience is a virtue!

No training today. I might jump on the stairmaster when I get home to get the blood flowing, but I will be ready to make dancing pecs in the morning. A day of rest is good for the mind, body, and soul!

Happy Wednesday!

YOUR IronLadyDoc