
Monday, November 20, 2006

I hope everyone had a super duper weekend. I watched the Michigan game Saturday afternoon, and even though I am a huge Michigan fan, the loss was a good loss to Ohio State. WE got beat by the best team in nation. So, anyway, that is my feeling on the game. I look forward to the BCS championship game. I am not sure who will play Ohio State, but let's hope for a good matchup!

Oh, some exciting news for me! I planted a new Maple tree in my backyard with my dad and one of my friends' dad. WE had a blast. The weather was great, and she is a princess back there right now. I am telling you, she is the best lil tree on my block!

I also had the pleasure of talking to my buddy, Colette, on Sunday. WE had a lot of catching up to do. She was at Nationals and was texting me the whole time to keep me up on the standings. She took the weekend off from her diet. As you may already know, she is trying to get a special invite to the Arnold. Man, would that be awesome or what? She is having a little trouble with the diet right now, but I reassured her that most bodybuilders who decide to engage in two shows in a year will eventually hit a point in the process where their desire to continue is truly tested. You simply don’t feel like you have what it takes to continue. This is the point where many throw in the towel. For Colette, I told her that this is where she can get stronger than she ever imagined and find the success she dreams about. As frustrating as this is for most, reaching this point is truly the moment of truth. She told me she was going to stay the course and press on! That is my "Champ"!

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