
Sunday, September 03, 2006

As we all know, humans are very regimented and get stuck in ruts way too often—and they usually don’t even realize it. A slight change is powerful medicine for the mind and body. It can refresh and revitalize.

Today was quadzilla day and Mark had this crazy idea to do heavy walking DB lunges and then follow that with 5 minutes of BB squats. I said, "Mark, are you serious?" He gets this look on his face and says, "uh huh!" I looked at him and said, "OK, you go first!" hee hee! Well, we got through the walking lunges. Mind you, we went heeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaVY. He made me do what he did. OK, so when we got to the 100 lb. dumbells, I said enough is enough. I took the first step and the right db banged into my quad. OUCH!!! I thought I cracked my femur, but, no, just a deep bruise.

Then, came squats. Once again, I said, "Mark, are you sure you want to do this?" Still "uh huh!" OK buddy, go get em. I will watch the clock. Well, let me just say, he tried his hardest and believe me, there was no giving up in his mind. After two minutes and 50 reps, he racked it. I was proud of him nonetheless! Don't think I did not do my 50 reps to match him, but no way was I going to try to squat for 5 minutes.

Here's my pointer of the day.............while growth and change will not occur unless you push past your comfort zone, pushing too hard and too fast may increase your liklihood of giving up. It is far better to experience success at each step of a progressive process...........all the while building confidence to fuel the persistence to pursue more challenging changes.

Change requires moving beyond your comfort zone, but it is best initiated in small and manageable increments. Next time we set out for a course uncharted in the quad department, I will suggest going 2 1/2 minutes or 60 reps.

Bye for now,
YOUR ironladydoc!

1 comment:

  1. This hits home!! The main reason for change is growth. But, too much change at one time can really make us feel overwhelmed and give up. We all want to be the best we can be, but we can't change it all overnight.

    Thank you for the indepth thinking!!
