
Saturday, June 03, 2006

Health of our body is determined to a great degree by our mental processes........what we think of life and especially of ourselves.

If you look back in time, Doctors of the past acted as the expert and healer. The patient was the passive recipient, hoping that the doctor would have all the answers. Today, we now know that the inner attitude of the patient is crucial. For example, if a patient has a fear or stress, they most times repress it..........they deny the problem, push it away, conjure up a heroic attitude, and dismiss it. This is when the fear eats us up unconsciously.

On the other side of the spectrum is adopting a positive outlook. Adopting this outlook, however, takes love, not machoism to be completely effective. What I am saying is this..........our unspoken fears can create blocks in our body's energy flow. These blocks result in problems. The fears will continue to manifest themselves in problems until we deal with them. Actually, physical problems are the last step in the process. Ideally, you want to deal with the blocks early so as to practice preventative medicine before the illness even develops.

I have often pondered the fact that each of us has an undiscovered ability to influence what happens to us in the future, including whether we are healthy or not. It lies in the patient. Often times, for example, I am asked my thoughts on the prognosis of an illness, whether it be a cold, or a cancer. Sometimes, I don't offer up an opinion. I have learned that my opinions need to be offered very carefully. Over the years, the public has developed almost a worship of doctors and what a physician says is taken totally to heart. So, if the doctor says the patient would get better, very often the patient would internalize this idea in his or her mind and actually defy all medical science. Now, with the realm of ethics on the line, doctors are prevented from distorting the medical prognosis and go with the cold, hard, scientific facts. Unfortunately, with all this "cold, hard evidence," the patient would die right there on the spot. As a result, we as doctors need to be very careful of our assessments...........for the mind is very powerful. We need to focus our power in the direction of positive energy.

If you have read the latest research on the power of prayer you will know that this kind of spiritual visualization is turning the medical community upside down. It is totally changing the way prognosis is interpreted. This is so powerful!

The next time, you are feeling sick or injured, go directly to the source of the pain. Find out what the origin of the insult is and unblock the fear. The fear is what is holding you back. Once the block is opened, you can focus positive energy to your source of insult. I am not telling you to give up on professional care by a doctor, but I do believe strongly that each person can affect their own health by focusing positive energy to the source of conflict.

Stay strong in mind, body, and spirit!

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