
Sunday, March 07, 2010

Kick that junk food habit! Are you eating clean? What is “clean" eating? Well, we can look at it in two ways-- one, clean out that secret stash! Two, clean up your act and eat healthy!

Have you ever purchased a bag of potato chips, hoping they would last the entire week, but instead, they disappear during one setting of your favorite T.V. show? If so, you are not alone.

Some foods are called junk foods because they have little nutritional value. They are often high in calories, fat, sodium, and sugar. Unfortunately, these are the foods that taste good and we eat them despite their lack of nutritional value.

You are probably thinking that I am going to cut you off from all your eating pleasure, but the truth is, there can be a place for such foods on occasion—just an occasion, mind you! An occasional bag of potato chips or candy bar will not hurt you, but if the so-called junk foods become a regular part of your diet, then they can interfere with your nutritional health.

If you are a junk food junkie and would like to kick the habit, start slow, making one change at a time. For instance, begin by switching to a low-fat variety of your favorite snack chip or cracker. If sweets get your mouth drooling, try baking your own low sugar/low-fat variety. If you are quite certain you cannot go without that piece of candy, save it for a special occasion, such as a holiday event or weekend treat (only one piece! Don’t over indulge!).

If you start slow and give yourself some time to adjust to new habits and lifestyle changes, you will be more likely to stick with the program. You will not feel like you are depriving yourself, and believe me; every small step will motivate you to follow through with the next step.

It is unreasonable for me, or you, for that matter, to think that junk foods will never pass through your lips again (unless of course, your name is Malea Jensen and you are dieting for a major bodybuilding show!), but it is realistic and healthful to limit the amount of these foods that you eat!

Until next time, keep training with a passion and eating healthful!

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