
Monday, December 21, 2009

Heart Attacks and Holidays

Not to put a damper on your time-off, but some studies tell us that death rates from heart attacks and stroke (as well as non-heart-related causes) spike during the holiday season. A national database with detailed information on the 53 million deaths that occurred in the US between 1973 and 2001 indicates that fatalities from heart disease hit a highpoint in December/January, with Christmas and New Year's Day having the highest numbers, according to a University of California at San Diego study. Researchers say there are several possible reasons for the spike. One of them being that people who are having heart trouble prior to the holiday season often put-off going to the doctor or look at the holidays as a reason to take a break from their exercise and diet programs. The lesson from this? Heart attacks don’t take holidays.


  1. I also wonder if one contributing factor could be shovelling snow. If I understand right, being in the cold can constrict blood vessels a bit, and if you have a heart condition on top of that and are exerting yourself shovelling snow it can cause problems. And since December and January are big snow months, I am curious if this could be a reason, in addition to holiday stress.

  2. I would definitely agree with your comment. Thank you for your thoughts.

