As many of you are well aware, medical insurance is very costly. If you or someone you know has been hesitant to see a doctor because they do not have insurance or the deductible is sky high, consider finding a low cost, cash only, doctor.
Currently, Center Stage Primary Care is offering $50 office visits. Payment is expected at the time of check-in. If labs or other tests are needed for further management, you can use your insurance. We can find alternative treatment options that are cost effective if you do not have insurance.
I do acknowledge the need for patients to have some medical insurance in case of emergencies. People should have health insurance for catastrophic illnesses or surgery. Use your best judgement and talk to your health insurance company regarding your options.
I am a big believer that the direct-pay model accomplishes what many people want out of health care reform – increased access for the uninsured, decreased costs, and price transparency.There are no surprises. You know what you're getting. You know what you're spending for it. You wouldn't buy clothes and not ask how much it costs before you go to the counter or look to see. Why should medicine be any different?
Included in Dr. J's SOAP notes are the daily activities and thoughts that describe a doctor and a bodybuilder. Being a doctor and a bodybuilder are the things she does, but what defines her most, is her passion for life and her ability to inspire those around her to also be passionate about something in their own life. Dr. J is on her Walk--giving, inspiring, and loving. Make an appointment and tell her your complaints!
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