
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Yesterday was the first day of SUMMER! June 20-21 is start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere but simultaneously the start of winter in the Southern Hemisphere. It's also the longest day of sunlight for places in the Northern Hemisphere and the shortest day for cities south of the equator. However, June 20-21 is not the day when the sun rises earliest in the morning nor when it sets latest at night. And, even though the Northern Hemisphere receives more sunlight than on any other day of the year, that doesn't mean the first day of summer is also the hottest day of summer. In fact, so far, it is the second day of  the year!! Today, it is 92 degrees. I'm inside. I went outside to check the temp. Yup, 92. I'm thinking about being at the pool.

And, since we are on the subject of the there any bodypart that is more impressive than seeing six-pack abs? I really don't think so. Carving up the abs is probably one of the most sought after goals of most fitness enthusiasts, and more probable, the most difficult to carve up! No matter how many ab crunches you do, or how many minutes you spend on the treadmill, there is nothing better for a well-defined midsection than proper nutrition. Remember, "YOU are what you eat!"

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