
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Fear is sometimes referred to as an inner hell. It can shake your whole body and send a chill up and down your spine. It can feel like a sense of alienation, despair, and even anger. You try to shrug it off, but it suddenly pulls you back into it's grip. You become immersed in a control drama and routine as a way to repress the insecurities of life.

This is all a reaction to fear. People find some way to ward it off and repress it below their consciousness and unfortunately continue to repeat the same drama over and over again. Let me give you an example. Drugs....................these present a euphoria like Love. The problem is that it is a false euphoria. The body learns to resist the chemicals and counteract them usually by making it increasingly harder to maintain the euphoria at the current dose. More and more drug is needed until it eventually destroys the body.

That's how it works! This is the self-imposed hell that I refer to as fear. But, a compulsive control drama always fails.........sooner or later. This is what is called "hitting rock bottom". This is the opportune time to wake up and handle the fear, but if you don't, then you go right back into the drama cycle. Then, an ugly thing happens, fearful people want to control others. They blame an outside force for everything bad and thus a way to avoid responsibility.

So, what do we do about this fear thing? Love! This is the answer. It is important for them to discern between love and fear. They cannot be dehumanized or invalidated because they are also in a growth process...........just the wrong way! They need to wake up! They need to come into the awarness and break free of the control drama.

You slowly wake up. The coldness will melt away and the blackness will descend. The only thing left is Light. Let your light lead the way!

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